iOS 16.4 Beta 2: Page turning is finally back
The new iOS Beta brings back the page turning animation in Apple Books as well as other smaller changes. So what's actually new?

On Tuesday Apple released the new Beta 2 for iOS 16.4 to developers. This means that not everyone is able to access this yet, only registered developers can install this beta. The first beta already added quite a few features that will be released with iOS 16.4, you can read about it on 9to5mac. Therefore changes in the second beta are less substantial but there still are some interesting things I want to mention.
What changes are there in iOS 16.4 Beta 2?
Page turning animation
Of course the biggest change is the return of page turning animations in the Apple Books app. This is a welcome addition as it had been removed with the release of iOS 16. Why this was the case, we don't really know however.
Apple brought back the Apple Books page turn in iOS 16.4 Beta 2. Thanks @SteveMoser for sharing
— Aaron Zollo (@zollotech) February 28, 2023
5G Standalone
This is a rather small change but it's still relevant for people in Brazil. With iOS 16.4 Apple enabled support for 5G Standalone which rather than relying on LTE infrastructure to provide a 5G network it is built on top of new infrastructure allowing for better transmission speeds. This was previously only available in the US for T-Mobile customers but has now been expanded to customers of Vivo as well as TIM Brazil and according to 9to5mac 5G SA support will also be coming to Japansese customers of Softbank.
That was it already as there aren't any more important changes. If you want to read about all details including known issues and fixed bugs you can do so at the Apple Developer Portal.